Friday, September 26, 2008


Was reading a new book by Gary Chapman today titled "Love as a Way of Life." Was very convicted about forgiveness (or my lack of). I really liked his section titled "Loving the person who refuses to apologize." Highlights below:

Habits to Acquire: If the person who hurt you will not or cannot apologize, remember that it is still possible to release your anger toward her/him.
1. Release - release the person to God, Who is both just and loving. I am not compelled to seek revenge, because I have made the choice to release both my anger and the person who wronged me to God's justice and love.
2. Confess - confess your own failures in the situation. Anger should be a visitor, not a resident.
3. Return Good for Bad - express love even to those who mistreat us.
4. Use Your Pain Well - when you follow the above three steps, you will be free to go on with your life and use your time and energy in a constructive way.
Fear is a competitor to forgiveness, but it is not as strong as love. When we love others who wrong us, we find a freedom from our fears that allows us to enjoy our relationships like never before.

I especially liked the "anger should be a visitor" part. It is very convicting to me! I like to give it a bedroom and charge rent way too often!

1 comment:

Linz said...

I really like the "anger as a visitor" idea too; VERY challenging. :S